the snail: a night club for quiet people

In this first “snail” event we will work on creating a magical environment in which we intensify reality to reconnect with our senses, so visually we will use images, lights, beautiful artworks and patterns that trigger the eyes to see consciously and to be fully aware and present. we will also take care of ears using sounds and music to make a journey of deep listening , beautiful smells and incenses for noses, and we will carefully touch and examine different materials that we usually take for granted . beside all of that there will be aboslutyly something nice to taste, to eat and drink.

Expected date : sat 18th June – Adres : metaallaan 255 / 9743 pk Groningen

You can reserve your spot by contacting us through Email or WhatsApp :

For any questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact .